Saturday, July 28, 2012


I am at the summit of happiness, I don't believe anyone can get any merrier than this. How I wish I could just write everything down, without fretting about unwanted readers.
Anyway, I have come across this poem several years ago, and somehow it succeeds to stick on my mind.

First Love

I ne'er was struck before that hour 
With love so sudden and so sweet, 
Her face it bloomed like a sweet flower 
And stole my heart away complete. 
My face turned pale as deadly pale. 
My legs refused to walk away, 
And when she looked, what could I ail? 
My life and all seemed turned to clay.

And then my blood rushed to my face 
And took my eyesight quite away, 
The trees and bushes round the place 
Seemed midnight at noonday. 
I could not see a single thing, 
Words from my eyes did start -- 
They spoke as chords do from the string, 
And blood burnt round my heart.

Are flowers the winter's choice? 
Is love's bed always snow? 
She seemed to hear my silent voice, 
Not love's appeals to know. 
I never saw so sweet a face 
As that I stood before. 
My heart has left its dwelling-place 
And can return no more 

John Clare

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Something different

Until now, I own... a lot of books. I won't elaborate how many because: A. The number might sound silly to those who own more books than I do; B. People will mistake this as simply showing off; C. I myself don't know how many; and D, that is not the point. My point is that, I own books, and most of them are either of the Dystopian or fantasy genre. I only have like, one or two (ten at most) chic-lit and Nicholas Sparks' books. So when I went into Kinokuniya during my last visit to Jakarta and saw that none of the books I was seeking was available, I was so distressed--by the fact that I won't have anything to indulge in whilst I suffer in loneliness, due to the fact that we were staying at my aunt's(and she has two boys)--that I picked up this book I had no idea what it was about and paid for it without reconsidering it.
Surprisingly, I LOVED IT. It was such a surprise because the book centres around imperfect love. I mean, if I had read the synopsis, I would never have bought it. But luckily I didn't! <3

Friday, July 20, 2012

It's like a commitment

Honestly blogging is like a commitment. You gotta commit yourself into writing posts regularly and yes, it starts out fun but then, like everything else I try to commit myself into, I get bored of it almost immediately. Which, basically, means I'm not someone who can love something constantly (?) The point is, I get bored easily. Period. But I'm gonna try writing stuff just to ensure people that I am NOT a weird loner girl who keeps to herself. Seriously, I'm not a freak, regardless the fact that I prefer reading any day rather than being a part of the crowd.
And I think imma end this post with this: I don't really expect anyone to read it, but if you do, well.. whatever *wink*