Sunday, July 22, 2012

Something different

Until now, I own... a lot of books. I won't elaborate how many because: A. The number might sound silly to those who own more books than I do; B. People will mistake this as simply showing off; C. I myself don't know how many; and D, that is not the point. My point is that, I own books, and most of them are either of the Dystopian or fantasy genre. I only have like, one or two (ten at most) chic-lit and Nicholas Sparks' books. So when I went into Kinokuniya during my last visit to Jakarta and saw that none of the books I was seeking was available, I was so distressed--by the fact that I won't have anything to indulge in whilst I suffer in loneliness, due to the fact that we were staying at my aunt's(and she has two boys)--that I picked up this book I had no idea what it was about and paid for it without reconsidering it.
Surprisingly, I LOVED IT. It was such a surprise because the book centres around imperfect love. I mean, if I had read the synopsis, I would never have bought it. But luckily I didn't! <3

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