Monday, August 13, 2012


ms. marisa! Miss her so 

the crew.

curtain call <3

I miss dancing with my SIS friends. *sigh*

I feel like this is an inappropriate thing to be frustrated about, with the exams still going on, but I just miss those moments! I miss going to Nadya's house for practices. I miss her dogs. I miss deciding as a group what songs we should use. What moves to copy (lol, but on our defense, sometimes we did make our own choreography). I miss the joy that could only be achieved through performing with only and only them.

It's too bad we don't and can't have the chance to do one more number. I'd love to use the song Footloose. ): ):

and then i miss the rest of them:

kissing nadya *smooch*

Vanessa & Nadya

eric, autographing.

Shella & Vanessa
(the short one and the tall one!)

bule's autograph!

my last day ):

 not to forget, our legendary trip to Samosir Island!

Sec 3 Sincerity

I find this all-time hilarious. Don't you?
this is what i call 'preparing for the perfect jump shot'.

morning exercise lead by mr. head prefect.

the girls :)

I look the tallest! *deception*

where is selvi? :s

the four of us.

selvi was probably taking the picture. we are the more narcissistic ones after all  

when selvi and nadya leave for SG, vanessa will be the only one left! ):

i can't believe it's already time for them to study abroad. We used to find this moment so far away.
Time elapses so quickly. 
*tearing up*

kidding. why the hell would I cry? there's this thing called skype! :D:D

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