Tuesday, August 14, 2012

spilling words.

 After studying Civics and English, I had NOTHING else to do. I killed boredom with dancing like a freak in my room with the music playing SUPER LOUD. But then cramp happened, and I reluctantly went seeking for another less harmful activity.

Then my eyes fell on my bookshelf. Then on the dust covering the whole thing like a cloak.

So, without much ado, I cleaned it. And I think I might be developing a phobia for dust.

Succeeding my 'expelling-dust-of-the-utmost-unthinkable-width-ever' session, I decided to take some pictures (because, obviously, I had nothing else better to do) of some of my favorite books :)

p.s. I'm not a good photographer.

p.p.s. I took em with iPad so... might be blurry....

There, at the topmost is 'The Hunger Games Tribute Guide' which I just bought recently. I love flipping it to Peeta's page just to admire Josh Hutcherson's undeniably cute face. ;)
The Hunger Games trilogy is just so effing good that I cannot stop rereading them!

I love Cassandra Clare, she's to be blamed for my addiction towards fantasy-themed novels.
Although.. although, I'm not sure I'm a big fan of those series that never could seem to end. Like Gossip Girl. 
So please, end the The Mortal Instruments already!

These are the books of which I'm waiting for their third one. 
Clockwork Angel, Clockwork Prince, Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare
Divergent, Insurgent, <still untitled> by Veronica Roth
Matched, Crossed, Reached by Allie Condie

The Fault In Our Stars. is. the. best. book. ever. what. a. masterpiece. by. genius. John. Green.
Oh my God, I cannot stop rereading it. It's so unique, one of a kind, I think. Yes, it does revolve around love. And yes, romance-themed-books are typical (like someone previously said to me before). But this is just a whole new thing. It's not like those lovey-dovey books that are sugarcoated with lies (perfect guys do not exist, people). It's actually a book that pulls you in six feet deep--trust me, you cannot be NOT engrossed in this book as you're reading it--but at the same time, it slaps you with the fact that life is marred all over with blemish. The guy isn't perfect. The girl is soooooo far from perfect. They're not.. whole (read the book to know what I mean) but they are perfect and whole together. And this, flawless compatibility between two flawed people do indeed exist. 

The book in the middle is entitled Crooked House and is written by Agatha Christie.
This is the first not-of-the-children-genre novel I've ever read (my dad bought it for me while I was, what.. in primary 4?). It took me months to finish it because I was a tiny little person of zero knowledge of the English Language. Hell, I wouldn't even understand what it's all about if I hadn't reread it back when I was in primary 5. (my English actually improved dramatically through the year, thanks to High School Musical)
Agatha Christie is also a genius in my eyes. Sometimes I wonder how on earth she gained this intense knowledge regarding homicide. 

ooh! Geronimo Stilton! I love those books! Loved them, love them, will always love them! Now this is the official first novel I've ever read, back when I was in P4! I loved them because they were the only novels I understood. I love them still because of the interesting illustrations inside. <3 Not even the Wimpy Kid series could waver my steadfast adoration for the Geronimo Stilton books!

and finally,

this is the book that I could never ever get through chapter 3. or 4. or 5. Heck, who cares. The point is I could never finish it. *sigh*
Although recently, something sparked my curiosity for these classic babies. Perhaps after the exams are over, I could cluster my courage and face my fear for the primitive manner of speech.

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