Thursday, August 2, 2012

we long for the stars.

Sometimes having two hands is not enough--we wish we could have three to finish all the tasks at hand easily. Sometimes having a diamond ring could not satiate you, because you hope for a diamond mountain. Sometimes the splendid things earth offers you could not quench your desire, you had to go treasure seeking through precarious bridges and across sand that YOU know will sift underneath your feet and expose you to the dangers looming underneath. 
Sometimes your feeble hands long to brush the stars. But you know that when you do succeed to finally stroke them, you won't be able to let go.
Some call it greed. Some call it curiosity. I call it another Thursday. I'm a realist (trust me, it took me a great deal to finally become that) and I've gained that title through the hard way. I used to be the girl who dreams of prince charmings and white horses and glass slippers all the time (of course, you do know that I don't mean them literally). I once saw the cracks and bumps along the path as nothing more than an annoying rash that I would somehow find cure for. But then people change and grow and I finally realize that I've been the fool in life's big roulette. 
Nevertheless, although I've embraced the belief that life is a cruel bitch, I am still a steadfast romantic and optimist who daydreams and doodles fiction plots with happy endings on my notebook. I have even provided myself a special book for that (hehehhe XD) 
So my question is how do you live with the fact that you adore something which is too blindingly bright and far, that deep down, your lukewarm conscious incessantly warns you it is bad for your health?

*hmm, that is one long gibberish :P*

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